The Subject Matter of Divorce Mediation

Every case is different than the next, having its’ own unique character and issues. And, while the differences in the modalities for reaching settlement are varied, and in some cases having a significantly different impact on the clients – such as Divorce Mediation contrasted with Divorce Litigation – the subject matter of all modalities is the same. This is a brief overview of the kinds of issues that need to be addressed in each case, if they are relevant to the particular situation. The list is not complete but it provides a good sense of what is to be addressed, and it falls under four general categories: Property and Debt Division; Parenting Arrangements for Minor Children; Child Support for Minor Children; and Spousal Maintenance (alimony). Thus, all final divorce settlement processes need to address these issues.

Property and Debt Division

-Real estate

-Ownership of business

-Household goods

-Stocks, bonds and other securities.

-checking and savings accounts


-Life insurance policies

-Income tax issues

-Attorney or Mediation fees

-Retirement type accounts

Parenting Arrangements for Minor Children

-Residential arrangements and time-sharing

-Pick-up and drop-off

-Decision-making for significant issues

-Child care arrangements

-Extra-curricular activities


Child Support for Minor Children

-Arizona Child Support Guidelines

-Wage assignment

-Medical insurance for minor children

-Periodic exchange of income information related to child support

-Post-secondary education tuition for children.

Spousal Maintenance

-Periodic payments or lump sum

-Cash settlement

-Tax deductible or not

-Duration of payments

-Modifiable or non-modifiable

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