Divorce Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, and Family Law
Collaborative & Divorce Mediation Insights
- The Adversarial System Divorce and the Collaborative Process DivorceMay 8, 2023 - 12:16 pm
- Divorce and a Broken HeartMarch 6, 2023 - 11:16 pm
- The Divorce Mediation Process with a Financial Specialist as an Allied ProfessionalFebruary 20, 2020 - 5:34 pm
- Frequently Asked Questions About DivorceOctober 21, 2019 - 3:20 pm
- Divorce and Stress – Understanding and Eliminating the Root CauseJuly 11, 2019 - 4:35 am
- Divorce Mediation AgreementMarch 25, 2019 - 12:31 am
- Overnights for Young Children of DivorceMay 9, 2018 - 9:56 pm
- Benefits Of The Collaborative Divorce Process Compared With The Traditional Adversarial ProcessOctober 8, 2017 - 1:54 am
Tucson Divorce Attorney
Peter D. Axelrod
177 North Church Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
Tucson, AZ 85701
Telephone 520-622-6075
The Adversarial System Divorce and the Collaborative Process Divorce
by Peter AxelrodHow one divorces, in an Adversarial System or Collaboratively can say much about what is most important, what is valued most.
Divorce and a Broken Heart
by Peter AxelrodMy is heart is broken, how could it be? In the face of hopes and dreams of an ever-lasting future together. Till death do us part, and then…
The Divorce Mediation Process with a Financial Specialist as an Allied Professional
by Peter AxelrodMany Divorce Mediations, include complex financial issues that are often complex …these issues include those where one spouse’s pension is made up of both pre-marriage (sole and separate) contributions and marital contributions
Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce
by Peter AxelrodHow do I choose a Divorce Attorney? Choosing an attorney who is right for you and right for you is among the most significant decision a client must make.
Divorce and Stress – Understanding and Eliminating the Root Cause
by Peter AxelrodWhen we believe something, the mind looks for proof and validation that what we are believing is true, whether these be other negatives around a stressful belief or positives around beliefs that are at the opposite pole of peace and calm and kindness.
Divorce Mediation Agreement
by Peter AxelrodWe acknowledge that the essence of Divorce Mediation is our shared belief that it is in our best interests to commit ourselves to avoiding litigation. We agree to use Divorce Mediation, which does not rely on a Court-imposed resolution, and does rely on an atmosphere of honesty, cooperation, integrity and professionalism geared toward the future well-being of the participants. We want to minimize, if not eliminate, the negative economic, social and emotional consequences of protracted litigation…
Overnights for Young Children of Divorce
by Peter AxelrodIt is generally thought best that overnights for young children be carefully considered by divorcing parents before they are initiated. Key to the success of such overnights are good communication skills and each parent’s ability to put aside their own desires for the benefit of their young children. Above all, the child should not be […]
Benefits Of The Collaborative Divorce Process Compared With The Traditional Adversarial Process
by Peter AxelrodTeam Approach. There is a team approach in the collaborative divorce. Attorneys and professionals in allied divorce related fields are used to lead the collaborative team in their fields of expertise. They are: 1) a financial professional for asset, obligation and spousal support payment issues; 2) a licensed mental health professional as a divorce coach […]
The Clients Rights
by Peter AxelrodThe rights of an attorney’s client are no different than the rights of a customer of any other business or organization. As well, the attorney is a service provider no different than any other business or organization that provides services to the public. Such relationships have implications for both the attorney and the client that […]
Rules of the Road in Helping Establish a Collaborative Environment
by Peter AxelrodWhether the environment is at home, at the workplace or in a legal divorce discussion or negotiation, there are basic “rules of the road” that will lead to successful, non-adversarial collaborative participation. Foremost among these is to take full and complete responsibility for what occurs in the environment. This does not mean one is responsible […]
The Reviewing Attorney in Divorce Mediation
by Peter AxelrodDivorcing parties who enter Divorce Mediation are generally advised by their mediator to have the final agreement reviewed by their separate attorneys before signing. For the client who wants additional assurance that the agreement coming out of the Divorce Mediation process is equitable, having separate counsel review it prior to signing can address that concern, […]
Entering Into Pre-Nuptial Agreements At An Advanced Age
by Peter AxelrodEntering into a Pre-Nuptial Agreement “PNA” for couples contemplating marriage at an advanced age is a way for each to feel secure that what they have accumulated in the years prior to the marriage will be preserved. Later life couples who marry often want their individual estates to be handed down to their children after […]
Collaborative Divorce – Clients Going Off On Their Own
by Peter AxelrodIn the Collaborative Divorce Process, there is a collaborative team put into place to support the divorcing couple while they move through the settlement negotiations leading to a legal divorce. Depending on the needs of the clients, the team could include a financial professional, a divorce coach or a child specialist, in addition to the […]
The Task of the Financial Professional in a Collaborative Divorce Case
by Peter AxelrodThe Financial Professional in a Collaborative Divorce case plays a significant role in the process. The Financial Professional must ascertain through diligent document review and examination of records, as well as by dint of experience and knowledge, the clients’ financial landscape. This means whatever assets, obligations and financial goings on that are part of the […]
Divorce Mediation Guidelines
by Peter AxelrodDivorce Mediation is a voluntary process and is most likely to be successful if the parties are willing to make a good faith effort reach agreement. However, there is no legal obligation to either mediate or to agree any particular settlement. Agreement in Mediation can be reached only when the parties have determined beforehand that […]
Mediation of Post Decree Issues
by Peter AxelrodThere are at least 4 areas in an already existing order of divorce or legal separation that are well suited for post decree modification mediation or collaborative settlement. The current orders in each of these areas may be modified if the situation calls for it and the statutory conditions exist for modification. Child Support. By […]
Divorce Mediation’s Rational Approach to Spousal Maintenance
by Peter AxelrodWhile some jurisdictions are moving toward a formulaic approach to the payment of spousal maintenance, leaving little room for a full review of the parties’ circumstances, many jurisdictions still provide only the most broad of guidelines for decisions around the amount of spousal maintenance paid. For these latter jurisdictions, using a rational approach to ascertain […]
The Value of Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements for Stay-At-Home Mothers or Fathers
by Peter AxelrodFinancial arrangements in either Prenuptial Agreements or Postnuptial Agreements seem a sticky way to either begin a marriage or seemingly interrupt one. Either document serves to set forth the rights and responsibilities of the marriage partners in the event of divorce and can waive or modify Arizona Community Property Law and/or the statutory requirements for […]
Settlement Negotiations with Divorce Lawyers
by Peter AxelrodAs a long time divorce attorney, I have experienced a range of approaches to settlement negotiations, and the attitudes taken by my colleagues who also specialize in the field of divorce and family law. As I have moved from the traditional adversarial model of divorce settlement negotiations and used mediation and collaborative divorce settlements to resolve […]
The Efficiency of the Collaborative Divorce Settlement Process
by Peter AxelrodIntegral to the Collaborative Divorce settlement process is efficiency in making the best use of personnel for specific tasks. This personnel includes not only the two attorneys but the financial professional, the divorce coach and the child specialist. It might seem that use of this personal is overly costly and likely reserved for the wealthy. […]
The Subject Matter of Divorce Mediation
by Peter AxelrodEvery case is different than the next, having its’ own unique character and issues. And, while the differences in the modalities for reaching settlement are varied, and in some cases having a significantly different impact on the clients – such as Divorce Mediation contrasted with Divorce Litigation – the subject matter of all modalities is […]
Advising Clients About Settlement Process Options
by Peter AxelrodPeople initiating a divorce or legal separation come to divorce attorneys with questions; paramount among these is “How do we get started.” This usually means something along the lines of how do we reach a final settlement or how do we go about the divorce process. The attorney can provide a valuable service by refraining […]
Mediating The Property Settlement – Disclosure Of Assets
by Peter AxelrodThe role of the mediator in the divorce setting is multi-faceted. Legal information, counseling abilities and mediation skills are called on to support a mutually satisfactory settlement of the divorce issues. One of the most important aspects of the mediator’s role is to ensure that clients are fully informed of the issues that are relevant […]
Decision Making Around Divorce
by Peter AxelrodIn such significant, life altering areas as whether to end a marriage, or if a decision to end a marriage seems to have already been made, it is important to know whether the choice was made from a place of clarity or confusion. We need not focus on clarity here, since this state of mind […]